Anna C. Weber

Postdoctoral Researcher (she/her)


What mandrills leave behind: using fecal samples to characterize the major histocompatibility complex in a wild primate

Anna Weber, Jackie Lighten, Cock van Oosterhout, Amour Guibinga Mickala, Stephan Ntie, Patrick Mickala, David Lehmann, Katharine Abernethy, Nicola Anthony

Conservation Genetics, 2023

Estimation of the census (Nc) and effective (Ne) population size of a wild mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) horde in the Lopé National Park, Gabon using a non-invasive genetic approach

Amour Guibinga Mickala, Anna Weber, Stephan Ntie, Prakhar Gahlot, David Lehmann, Patrick Mickala, Kate Abernethy, Nicola Anthony

Conservation Genetics, 2022